
Article Nr.: KAB-IP67-USB-A-LOCK

Lockable IP67 connector | USB 2.0 Type A

Lockable IP67 connector | USB 2.0 Type A

The stainless steel socket is lockable, which makes it effective is protected from possible vandalism. With the screwable cover incl. seal gasket the USB connector on this side is dust and waterproof in accordance with the IP67 protection class.

Included in scope of delivery:

  • 1x USB-connector
  • 1x cover
  • 1x key

Article number:


Technical data:

  • side 1: IP67 USB 2.0 Type A female (locklabel)
  • side 2: USB 2.0 Type A male
  • vandalism protected
  • made of stainless steel
Lockable IP67 connector | USB 2.0 Type A
Lockable IP67 connector | USB 2.0 Type A
Lockable IP67 connector | USB 2.0 Type A

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